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7 Tips on How to Remove Mold from Wood


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Little patches of mold at the back of your closet or in any areas of your wooden fixtures may seem harmless. In time, mold can damage not only wooden furniture and your property but also negatively affect your health.

Understanding what mold is and finding out how to remove mold from wood will give you peace of mind. Please read the full article and we’ll guide you all throughout.

Mold Damage on Wood

Wood collects and holds water which makes it an ideal environment for any type of mold to thrive. Mold loves damp and organic materials like wood so once it stays, it can cause discoloration to the surface and deep into the wooden surfaces. It actually doesn’t cause wood to rot but under the same ideal conditions that decaying fungi will thrive.

In addition, the decaying fungi will cause structural damage to any wood furniture or fixtures. If left untreated, it can collapse the affected part or even an entire building. This is one reason why you should remove the mold immediately and before it spreads. Hiring a mold remediation specialist is necessary especially if the affected area is significant and more than 10 square feet.

Learn How to Remove Mold from Wood

There are several safety measures to consider before you attempt to remove any mold problem in your home. Nevertheless, calling in a professional mold remediation team is the best course of action to get rid of mold safely from your home. You can remove mold yourself before hiring a professional by following the steps below:

1.) Make safety your priority especially in handling mold

Mold can cause harm. Be sure to wear protective gear such as an air mask. This is to protect yourself from inhaling mold spores. Moreover, using safety goggles will keep the mold from irritating your eyes.

We suggest that you also put on a protective covering over your clothing. This will prevent you from tracking mold spores that could attach themselves to your clothing while cleaning. Lastly, use rubber gloves before you kill mold from wood in your home.

2.) Vacuum the area

Mold spores travel quickly through the air and can easily spread to any surface. A HEPA-filter vacuum is necessary and useful in getting rid of any loose spores on the wood before starting the cleaning process.

3.) Check and study the surface prior to cleaning

Know the type of wooden feature you’re dealing with before attempting to remove mold. Since untreated wood is more porous than painted wood, it will require a different technique when cleaning the mold.

4.) Removing mold from painted or treated wood

The paint on the wood makes it hard for the mold to penetrate. When there is mold on the treated wood, it is only sitting on top of the paint, not on the wood itself. To get rid of mold from the surface, use a mixture of warm water and dishwashing detergent. Use a cloth or a sponge to wipe away the mold.

5.) Getting rid of mold from untreated wood

Cleaning mold from untreated wood is a bit different since wood is porous. This will require a stronger cleaning solution to remove the spores of the mold.

a. To remove mold on wood with vinegar, pour undiluted distilled white vinegar into a spray bottle. Then directly spray the moldy area. Allow this vinegar to sit for up to an hour. Next, wipe the area clean with a clean, damp towel and allow the wood to air dry.

Don’t worry about the smell of vinegar because it will dissipate naturally.

b. You can effectively remove mold on wood by making a mixture of warm water, detergent, and bleach. Scrub away the mold by using a scrub brush and gently work into the wooden surface. Air dry afterward.

6.) Deep clean the mold from the surface to remove the stains

Sanding the wood once it is dry will help get rid of the mold stain. However, sanding a darker wood may cause discoloration. To hide those spots or stains, you can use varnish or paint over a coat of mold-killing primer.

7.) Use a dehumidifier to speed up the process of drying

This is so helpful especially if your home is prone to high humidity. Excess of this will just increase mold growth. To check your home’s humidity, consider purchasing a meter at a home improvement store.

Contact Mold Remediation and Removal Services Today!

Superior Restoration will take care of it once you have done all the steps and you’re still in doubt about mold on wood. Especially if you are experiencing mold growth recurrence on your furniture or other areas of your property.

Please call our local office today, Water Damage Irvine. Our mold remediation team will deal with your mold problem quickly and efficiently. We also provide emergency water damage and fire restoration services. Feel free to contact us 24/7.


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